Here are some photos of mule deer and other critters I have recently taken with my new FujiFilm HS50exr digital camera. I'll add photos as I get them this winter. Most of the photos are taken at long distances with the zoom set at 42x (1000mm). All of the photos are with the camera handheld. Being a new camera for me I am learning that it behaves a little different than my old HS20exr. First, I have found that you need to make sure the focus mode switch on the left side of the camera is set to "S" for Single. Having it in Continuous "C" mode makes for getting pictures of deer that are in focus pretty darn hard. I learned the hard way with that mode... I have also found that I like the plain Auto mode over the EXR mode for getting better in-focus images. I have also stopped shooting raw photos and gone straight to just JPG. Yes, raw is better but I find it better to get a JPG than to get nothing. Shooting in raw slows down the speed with which the camera can recover before shooting another photo. I get a lot more photos of the action when shooting only JPG.
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